Some of the plants I did cuttings of, were ones I have never tried to do before. Because, as I mentioned before, I first wanted to see how well placed the greenhouse was and what the conditions inside would be. It turns out that it was far too wet to keep the Cistus happy and my first tray of those did not do so well.
But on the upside, I have had incredible success with most of the others! Like Purple Solanums, Plumbago, Lilacs, Penstamons, Lemon Verbena, etc. And because Princess Bushes or Tibouchina urvilleana has been on my list of plants I wanted to grow in my nursery since way back in my days at Antonelli's, I am thrilled to say that all 400 cuttings are doing great and they are four weeks old now. A very good sign that they should all make it. I didn't even have to use a large portion of the stock I have been accumulating, so as soon as there is room in there, I will be doing another 400 cuttings.
What's not to love!? The deer don't eat them. Hummingbirds, butterflies, and the bees love them. And so do I!