Thursday, November 24, 2016

Introducing: Artisans Of America!

I am creating a new website to offer as a resource for those of us who find ourselves buried under a mountain of competing items from all over the world.  Although a worldwide marketplace is a wonderful thing to have, if it includes everything from everywhere, there is little hope of being noticed or found.

So this new website will be a list, sorted into categories on various pages, of links to websites which offer handmade, handcrafted, hand created works from artists and artisans.  Fine art and functional art.

There will be no vintage items, no mass produced items, no supply sources, no services, etc.  you know what I mean.  And a limited amount of jewelry to honor those who have been such a great source of mutual support for my internet stores.

I will be looking for quality craftsmenship from all sources.  From art to hang on the wall to art to hold in your hand.  From fine art to functional art in all medias.

If you know of someones website I should include, please let me know.

This will be a work in progress, as I do need to work myself.  And this will require me to relearn my website building skills even though I will be using Blogger for the basics.  One of my primary goals will be to totally rebuild my own website,

Unfortunately, these last five years have not been easy and the ability to spend the time and resources to restart my fuchsia nursery continue to allude me.  Over and over again, I am able to get started and then have to put in down in the face of needing an immediate income.  There are still several hundred stock plants and I am going to keep trying.  But I have no time frame in clear view.

The massive changes at have so undermined the ability of small craftspeople like myself to sell our wares, that at a time of the year when I should be running out of my inventory of lavender, I have almost all of it still available.  Etsy has told us that it is up to us to bring traffic to them.  Well, if that is the case, then maybe we should just bring the traffic to ourselves and leave them out of the loop!!

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